Consultation Services
Lois is available for clinical consultation for professional helpers who are working toward mastery in the following models or competencies:
Internal Family Systems
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
Attachment Focused Family Therapy
Clinical Supervision
She also does consultation for professional helpers and healers who are:
struggling with clients and need a safe place to explore the issues and problem solve
experiencing a trail head in regard to a current client and need some support in working through possible transference/counter transference
ready to take their next steps in professional growth and need some support and a safe place to name their concerns, ideas, visions
struggling with the person of the therapist such as professional burn out and vicarious trauma
managing or thinking about opening or growing a human services organization and want to learn the best ways to so that (Lois has opened and ran one solo practice (Lois Ehrmann MA, LPC, CAC-Diplomate), one group private practice that then became a corporation (Counseling Alternative Group), a full integrative outpatient trauma treatment program (The Individual and Family CHOICES Program), a professional training program (Wise Heart Leadership Initiative), an online consultation, training and counseling practice (E-Counseling and Consultation Services) and her semi-retirement gig which is a fully telemental health and consultation practice called Lois Ehrmann PhD Services LLC). You are currently on the website for her most recent and current program!
Lois offers a free one hour screening to individuals that inquire about her consultation services to make sure that she has the skills that the potential consultee needs and that both parties feel there is a good enough match for the consultation to be useful, possibly fun and fully empowering.
Contact her at loisehrmannPhD@gmail.com

I always feel very honored when someone inquires about my services and that is why I offer an initial no fee screening appointment. I want to make sure that there is a good match between myself and the prospective consultee and that I have the skills that the person needs. If it appears that the individual could have a better consultation experience with someone else I offer to help find other alternative resources for the individual.