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The Compassionate Inquiry Mentor Program 3 has been completed

Clinical Supervision/Consultation Training for the Compassionate Inquiry Mentor IN TRAINING Program - Series 4

Clinical Supervision/Consultation Training for the Compassionate Inquiry Mentor IN TRAINING Program - Series 4

.What is it?:

 This is a 30 hour training related to effective consultation/supervision practices for CI Private Mentors assisting other practitioners in the Compassionate Inquiry process. The course meets the requirement for a 30-hour or longer professional supervision course, and has approved by Compassionate Inquiry Inc. for the Mentor in Training program.


Who is the Trainer:

 Lois A. Pessolano Ehrmann PhD, LPC, CTTS, NCC- Approved Clinical Supervisor


What is the Cost: If paid via Venmo, Zelle or Check $550.00 USA dollars; IF paid via PAY PAL (Link Below) $575.00 due to Paypal use fees. See payment info and PayPal link at the bottom of this page

(A minimum of 20 participants must be reached)  SEE NEW DATES BELOW





The training will be held two mornings each week for five weeks from 9:00 am Eastern time to 12:00 pm Eastern time (Actual days TBD):


Monday 10/7/2024: Module 1First Things First: Roles and Responsibilities Part 1  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: At completion Participants will have:

1.Reviewed the definition and scope of practice of clinical consultation/mentoring.

2.Identified the essential elements of a consultation Informed Consent Contract and practiced developing some elements of the document for one’s own consultation practice.

3.Reviewed at least two consultation/mentoring learning contracts and at least four important logistics of consultation/mentoring sessions including expectation set, after session homework, documentation.



Friday 10/11/2024; Module 2: First Things First Roles and Responsibilities Part 2  (3.0 hours)

 Learning Objectives: At completion Participants will have:

1.Identified at least two mechanisms or tools to evaluate the competency of the consultee in the program/model in which you are consulting/mentoring in

2.Identified at least three differences between summative versus formative feedback in clinical consultation/mentoring.

3.Role played assisting a consultee in identifying and prioritizing professional development and clinical skill building objectives.


Friday 10/18/2024: Module 3: Models of Clinical Consultation/Mentoring: Finding the Right Fit for You?   (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: At completion Participants will have:

1.Identified at least two models of clinical consultation as well as the basic tenets, advantages and disadvantages and the research base for each model.

2.Explored at least four elements of the competency framework in the model of consultation as a professional practice..

3.Identified the tenets, advantages and disadvantages and the research base for various developmental and psychotherapy-based models of clinical supervision and how they can inform consultation and mentoring when consultees are learning a new model of psychotherapy..

4.Explored at least three roles possible for a Consultant as well as various roles of consultees and how those roles impact the consultant-consultee working alliance

5.Engaged in reflection after each section of models/roles of clinical consultation in order to identify which aspects of each model appeals to the participant as a way to begin identifying his or her own model of supervision/consultation.


 Monday 10/21/2024: Module 4: Knowing Yourself: Self Reflection Builds Supervisor/Consultant/Mentor Identity  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By Completion Participants will have:

1.Engaged in construction of their own ‘Clinical Supervision/Consultation Genogram’ exercise.

2.Reviewed ways to increase one’s ability to engage in reflectivity so as to increase that ability in one’s consultees such as mindfulness practices, thought cards, thematic reflections etc.

3.Reviewed the developmental process for clinical supervisors/consultants and self-identified what stage the participant is currently in

4.Identified and reviewed advanced skills and requirements for clinical consultants such as the following: ability to see the bigger picture; incorporation of consultee welfare as well as client welfare; changes in boundaries in consultation/supervision relationships as opposed to client/clinician relationships; role as gatekeeper of the field in clinician supervision; role as gatekeeper to the model in clinical consultation (Such as EMDR, IFS, CI)

5.Evaluated at least two consultee’s professional presentation in order to place them into the accurate phase of counselor development.


 Friday 10/25/2024: Module 5: The Consultation Alliance  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion Participants will have:

1.Increased in knowledge & understanding of the consultee factors that impact the health of the consultation alliance such as resistance, anxious or avoidant attachment, anxiety, consultee transference, and others.

2.Understood at least three consultation factors that contribute to stress on the consultation alliance or relationship such as consultant attachment style, interpersonal power dynamics and consultant counter-transference.

3.Identified at least three types of attachment ruptures that can occur within the consultant relationship and how to deal with them.

4.Reviewed the Compassionate Inquiry Process and the concepts that can be helpful in strengthening the consultation alliance.

5.Identify at least three interventions that can be enacted during clinical consultation to assist consultants in moving through consultee factors and in growing in professional development.

6.Used at least two relationship strengthening techniques taught in this training or that you have practiced from another training in a role play and explain the rationale for doing so.


 Monday 10/28/2024: Module 6: Methods & Techniques (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion Participants will have:

1.Discussed attachment ruptures in consultation and some repair strategies to get the alliance back on track.

2.Explored the consultant/consultee tensions of the structure vs. free reign, directive vs. non-directive, & nurture vs. neutrality in the consultation relationship.

3.Engaged in dyad practice as a clinical consultant utilizing a few of the skills of clinical consultation taught in this section (assess where a consultee is located in development; a mindfulness process; development of a goal to increase EI).

4.Learned which strategies work best in what level of development as per the IDM model.

5.Explored aspects of Emotional Intelligence and why it is so important to assess and develop in consultees in the mastery of new model.


 Friday 11/1/2024: Module 7: Cultural Competence in Clinical Consultation  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion Participants will have:

1.Identified at least one cultural or background factor that could contribute to a difficulty in working with a person from a different background (e.g. Fundamentalist Christian counselor is assigned a client with LGBTQ identity; Counselor who’s mother died from MS is assigned a woman with MS etc)

2.Reviewed using the skills of immediacy in proactively raising and naming issues of cultural or background differences and why this is essential to the health of the consultation/mentoring relationship.

3.Role played engaging in a discussion with a consultee about cultural differences.

4.Identified at least three signals or signs that the consultation relationship is being impacted by cultural or contextual factors.

5.Reviewed at least two methods for identifying consultee cultural and contextual background factors.

6.Engaged in at least one strategy for increasing awareness of bias in the therapeutic relationship that would be helpful to consultees.


 Monday 11/4/2024: Module 8: Group Consultation  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion Participants will have:

1.Identified at least three situations when the use of group clinical consultation can be useful or appropriate.

2.Identified at least three group norms in group consultation that are helpful in keeping the group safe for all of the participants.

3.Reviewed three methods of strengthening the consultation alliance so that all the consultees in the group can become more open and willing to take risks within the group and the alliance.

4.Practiced being in a consultation group about group consultation.


 Friday 11/8/2024:Module 9: Preventing Compassion Fatigue (CF) in Consultees  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion Participants will have:

1.Reviewed assessment tools in the identification of at least four symptoms of Compassion Fatigue.

2.Identified the functions of stress and at least six ways stress impacts the emotional, mental and physical body of the human being.

3.Discussed how to utilize at least four appropriate tools and strategies in the evaluation

of Compassion Fatigue symptoms in your consultees.

4.Learned at least seven self-care strategies to prevent and recover from compassion fatigue that you can use with your consultees.


Monday 11/11/2024: Module 10: Legal and Ethical Issues and Wrap Up  (3.0 hours)

Learning Objectives: By completion participants will have:

1.Developed a greater working knowledge of the aspects of ethical codes or guides various professionals that are relevant to the practice of clinical consultation and in particular the Compassionate Inquiry Process.

2.Reviewed different codes in relationship to the following: consultation competency; consultee competency; informed consent; boundaries; privacy and confidentiality; dual relationships; liability and who is responsible if any, for the consultee’s clients?; duty to warn.

3.Evaluated at least one ethical decision through the lens of a decision tree relevant for clinical consultation.

4.Identified appropriate ethical steps to take in regard to impairment in a consultee and unethical behavior. 


Total hours for this training is 30.0 hours.  This training is tailor made for the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program.



IMPORTANT NOTES: While the above outline will generally be followed there may be instances where the content of the training will change because the needs of the participants may be better served with different content. The presenter is known for being very responsive if at all possible to the needs, desires and goals of the participants.


In order to receive a 30 hour Certificate of Completion participants must 1. be physically present in the Zoom Meetings for at least 8 of the modules. Since the modules are recorded two of the 10 modules can be viewed after the live date and will still count toward the Certificate of Completion. These special circumstances should be discussed with the presenter prior to the date of the module 2. Fill out a brief feedback evaluation after the last module 3. Email Lois indicating that participant has completed 1 and 2 and lists name and credentials desired on the certificate.


About the Presenter

Lois Ehrmann PhD, LPC, NCC/ACS is the founder & former Executive Director of The Individual and Family CHOICES Program in State College, Pennsylvania. She has over 39 years of professional counseling experience and over 24 years of clinical supervision experience. She holds the following credentials: Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist (IFS Institute) Approved IFS Consultant, Certified EMDR Clinician & Approved Consultant (EMDRIA), Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS), National Certified Counselor (NCC), Board Certified Tele-Mental Health Counselor (retired this credential in 2023) and Certified Trauma Treatment Specialist (CTTS/ATTS). Prior to semi-retirement, she was also certified as an Attachment Focused Family Therapist (retired) and certified in the use of Clinical Hypnosis (ACSH) (retired). She has also been an adjunct affiliated assistant professor at Penn State in the Department of Counselor Education & Supervision on and off there since 2004. In the most recent years of teaching she has focused on skill development in Masters level counselors and clinical supervision skills for doctoral level professional helpers. Lois started her journey in clinical supervision at Counseling Alternatives Group (now Crossroads Counseling in State College, PA) when she became the Clinical Director there in 2000. She was a Masters degree licensed professional counselor and certified addictions counselor. At that time there was not much training available to help her make the transition from a well- known effective professional counselor to an effective clinical supervisor. She recollects that she read one book and went to one full day training. A few years later during her doctoral degree program at the Pennsylvania State University she took part in extensive training in clinical supervision and that training along with her experience equipped her in becoming an Approved Clinical Supervisor through NBCC/CEE’s program. Having been grateful that she had not harmed any of her supervisees with just her limited level of experience she vowed to develop a training program for other Masters level counselors thrust into roles as clinical supervisors.

In 2008 Lois began the arduous journey of developing an outpatient trauma center that utilized cutting edge empirically evidenced trauma informed/trauma reduction strategies to help traumatized families and persons of all ages recover and heal. That facility opened its doors in 2009 and Lois remained at the helm until she retired in September of 2022. When some of her clinicians as well as herself were being asked to provide clinical supervision and consultation to other post degree pre-licensed and post licensed counselors and social workers, Lois developed a series of clinical supervision full day trainings that followed the framework of the Approved Clinical Supervisor of the National Board of Certified Counselors. Many of her employee clinicians took this series and became approved clinical supervisors. Lois hired another professional to be the Clinical Director of CHOICES in 2013 while she continued to teach the Clinical Supervision Series out of the CHOICES training facilities and continued providing clinical supervision and consultation services to professionals outside of the trauma center.

Lois is a sought after clinical consultant in her geographic area and an internationally known trainer in the areas of clinical supervision/consultation, trauma treatment, and attachment wounds. In her semi-retirement she thoroughly enjoys teaching and mentoring new clinicians. She has provided clinical supervision as well as consultation in the individual, triadic (two supervisees-one supervisor/consultation) and group settings. She has loved being part of the professional development of clinical supervisors/consultants/mentors in training as well as a consultant for others learning trauma treatment! The other joy of her life as she heads into the sunset of her career is being a grandmother to three beautiful granddaughters.

Your Payment Serves as Your Registration

There are three different options to pay for this course;

Option 1: The easiest without any surcharges is through Zelle!!.

You can use Lois' Business Mobile Phone Number to pay her for her services. That number is (814) 404-0286.


Option 2: Venmo

You can send your payment to me via Venmo. Venmo@loisehrmann

There may be some small fees associated with this method.


Option 3: Pay Pal

You can also pay me by Pay Pal using a debit or credit card after clicking on the button below. A $25.00 processing fee is added to the base price of the training if paying by Pay Pal due to the additional cost to me. 


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